Synthesis of antibody-antibiotic conjugates to combat bacterial infections
Design of antibody-antibiotic conjugates with doxycycline immunocompetent to Escherichia coli is proposed. The egg yolk immunoglobulins from hens immunized with Escherichia coli have been conjugated with the antibiotic using the glutaraldehyde as the crosslinking reagent. The reaction of conjugation was followed spectrophotometrically and revealed the formation of distinct absorption bands in ultraviolet regions. The kinetic analysis of forming the conjugates by the Guggenheim method showed that the conjugation reaction obeyed the kinetics of the first-order reactions. The velocity constant equaled 0,77 min-1. The half-conversion period of immunoglobulins during conjugation with glutaraldehyde was about 1 min. The reaction was rapid in aqueous solution at room temperature. The molar ratio of doxycycline: antibody in the conjugate was 2:1.
About the Authors
S. M. YakubovskyBelarus
I. V. Nasonov
N. V. Knysh
I. S. Radyush
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Yakubovsky S.M., Nasonov I.V., Knysh N.V., Radyush I.S. Synthesis of antibody-antibiotic conjugates to combat bacterial infections. Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2022;(1):31-36. (In Russ.)