
Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation

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Vitalization of mycobacteria in soil after treatment with glutaraldehyde


   Mycobacterium bovis cells inactivated with glutaraldehyde (GA) after application to sterile moistened soil retained acid fastness and were visually detected for 15 months, although their number decreased due to the restoration of viability in the form of non-acid-fast (NAF) cell wall deficient (CWD) forms. By the 21st month, these forms turned into inconspicuous spore-like forms. For 21 months, in all cases, NAF CWD M. bovis was isolated from contaminated soil when sowing a soil suspension with pre-incubation in the MycCel DW growth stimulant and without it. The isolates weakly induced hypersensitivity to tuberculins, were resistant to most natural antibiotics, had increased resistance to GA and resistance to polyhexamethylene guanidine. It is assumed that the discovered phenomenon leads to the formation of natural foci of infection, and may play a role in the induction of reactions to tuberculin in cattle.

About the Authors

A. E. Vysotsky
UP "BioPharm Scientific Research Institute"

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor


A. P. Lysenko
UP "BioPharm Scientific Research Institute"

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor


M. V. Kuchvalsky
RUE "S.N. Vyshelessky Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine"

Research Associate


E. L. Krasnikova
RUE "Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry"

Senior Researcher


A. N. Pritychenko
RUE "Experimental scientific station for poultry farming"

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor


E. I. Yakobson
Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation CJSC

undergraduate student

Minsk region


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For citations:

Vysotsky A.E., Lysenko A.P., Kuchvalsky M.V., Krasnikova E.L., Pritychenko A.N., Yakobson E.I. Vitalization of mycobacteria in soil after treatment with glutaraldehyde. Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2024;(1):57-65. (In Russ.)

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