Synchronization of sex hunting in cows according to protocols «Ovsynch 48» and «Ovsynch 56»
The article presents the results of production tests on synchronization of sexual hunting in cows according to the protocols «Ovsynch 48» and «Ovsynch 56». The most effective was the Protocol of synchronization of estrus in cows in the «Ovsynch 56», processing of the cows which allowed us to achieve the highest percentage of impregnation capacity for the first insemination, the minimum index fertilization, reduce duration of service period and number of days of infertility.
About the Author
S. V. Mironchik
УО «Витебская ордена «Знак Почета» государственная академия ветеринарной медицины»
Russian Federation
For citations:
Mironchik S.V.
Synchronization of sex hunting in cows according to protocols «Ovsynch 48» and «Ovsynch 56». Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2019;(1):10-14.
(In Russ.)
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