
Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation

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Toxicological parameters of the complex anthelminth product «Triklamizol»


The toxicological parameters of a complex preparation intended for the treatment and prevention of associative helminthiasis in cattle have been studied - this is an acute and chronic toxicity irritating and sensitizing properties of the drug on laboratory animals

About the Authors

T. Ya. Myastsova
РУП «Институт экспериментальной ветеринарии им. С.Н. Вышелесского»
Russian Federation

M. V. Yakubovsky
РУП «Институт экспериментальной ветеринарии им. С.Н. Вышелесского»
Russian Federation

N. Yu. Schemeleva
РУП «Институт экспериментальной ветеринарии им. С.Н. Вышелесского»
Russian Federation


For citations:

Myastsova T.Ya., Yakubovsky M.V., Schemeleva N.Yu. Toxicological parameters of the complex anthelminth product «Triklamizol». Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2020;(1):56-59. (In Russ.)

Views: 140

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ISSN 2224-168X (Print)