Development of means for the specific prevention of myxomatosis and pasteurellosis in rabbits
In the course of the work, an epizootic strain of the rabbit myxoma virus was isolated, and its adaptation to continuous cell cultures was carried out. When assessing the possibility of using an epizootic strain of myxoma of rabbits for the manufacture of a vaccine, it was found that the isolated strain has low immunogenicity.
For the manufacture of a vaccine for the prevention of pasteurellosis, bordetelliosis and myxomatosis in rab- bits, the rabbit myxoma virus (strain KMIEV-V141), bacteria Pasteurella multocida (strain KMIEV-B166), and Bordetella bronchiseptica (strain KMIEV-B212) were used; parameters of cultivation of strains of myxoma of rabbits, pasteurella and bordetella were worked out, inactivants and adjuvants were selected, methods of inactivation of pasteurella and bordetella of rabbits were worked out. A vaccine sample for the prevention of pasteurellosis, bordetelliosis and myxomatosis in rabbits has been prepared.
About the Authors
A. A. ZgirovskayaBelarus
O. N. Novikova
Yu. V. Lomako
M. A. Ananchikov
E. S. Tkalich
S. V. Dadashko
V. I. Gerasimenko
Russian Federation
Gerasimenko V.I.
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For citations:
Zgirovskaya A.A., Novikova O.N., Lomako Yu.V., Ananchikov M.A., Tkalich E.S., Dadashko S.V., Gerasimenko V.I. Development of means for the specific prevention of myxomatosis and pasteurellosis in rabbits. Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2021;(1):9-17. (In Russ.)