Study of the immunogenic properties of the vaccine for the spe-cific prevention of myxomatosis, bordetelliosis and pasteurellosis of rabbits «respimix» in production conditions
Production tests of the vaccine for the prevention of pasteurellosis, bordetelliosis and myxomatosis of rabbits «Respimix» in terms of immunogenic activity were carried out. It has been established that the «Respimix» vaccine is a harmless and immunogenic preparation, superior in its preventive efficacy to the «Rabbiwak-V» preparation taken by us as a control one. The administration of the Respimix vaccine to rabbits promotes the production of antibodies to all antigens included in the vaccine, namely to Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica bacteria and to rabbit myxoma virus.
The veterinary drug «Vaccine for the prevention of pasteurellosis, bordetelliosis and myxomatosis of rabbits “Respimix”» can be recommended for use in veterinary practice.
About the Authors
O. N. NovikovaBelarus
A. A. Zgirovskaya
Yu. V. Lomako
Ananchikov M. A.
D. S. Borisovets
E. S. Zhuravleva
G. E. Tolyaronok
V. I. Gerasimenko
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For citations:
Novikova O.N., Zgirovskaya A.A., Lomako Yu.V., A. A.M., Borisovets D.S., Zhuravleva E.S., Tolyaronok G.E., Gerasimenko V.I. Study of the immunogenic properties of the vaccine for the spe-cific prevention of myxomatosis, bordetelliosis and pasteurellosis of rabbits «respimix» in production conditions. Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2021;(1):18-21. (In Russ.)