Markers of resistance of poykylotherm animals to stress impact
Biochemical and immunobiological studies of blood samples from cyprinids, age-sex and size-weight analysis showed the presence of changes characteristic of stress. The study of cyprinids in aquaculture has established that the influence of stress of various origins on the resistance of fish and fish-breeding indicators is a current urgent problem, the solution of which is important both for assessing the reproductive potential of fish and for developing measures to eliminate the negative consequences of stress. When assessing the state of the experimental group of carp, taking into account body weight and length, it was found that their values are influenced by the temperature of the aquatic envi- ronment. The dependence of the level of cortisol and total protein of carp blood serum on sex, age, stocking density, temperature of the aquatic environment and the rate of its increase is shown.
About the Authors
S. V. PolozBelarus
S. M. Degtyarik
G. V. Slobodnitskaya
I. I. Strelchenya
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For citations:
Poloz S.V., Degtyarik S.M., Slobodnitskaya G.V., Strelchenya I.I. Markers of resistance of poykylotherm animals to stress impact. Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2021;(1):34-40. (In Russ.)