Cell cryopreservation has been shown to be a promising method in scientific research. It is important to comply with all conditions for the process of thawing cell cultures for their use in the manufacture of immunobiological preparations. It has been established that the presence of characteristic signs of cells spreading onto the substrate during the first three days after seeding indicates the completion of the process of proliferation of cells preserved after cryopreservation. Optimal results of restoring a nuclear cell culture in a freeze-thaw cycle were achieved using Eagle growth medium: DMEM with the addition of 10 % cattle blood serum and a cell concentration of 2,2×106. Under these conditions and the freezing method we chose, the studied culture of NDC cells was completely restored by the 5th day of cultivation. The tested cell culture, in the process of thawing as the duration of cultivation increased, did not undergo genetic changes, had a fibroblast-like morphology characteristic of this line, and retained its biological properties.
About the Authors
I. I. StrelchenyaBelarus
S. V. Poloz
A. S. Andrusevich
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For citations:
Strelchenya I.I., Poloz S.V., Andrusevich A.S. TO THE QUESTION OF RESTORATION OF CRYOPRESERVED YADK CELL CULTURE FOR OBTAINING IMMUNOBIOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS. Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2023;(2):24-28. (In Russ.)