
Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation

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Viral- bacterial associations in calfs with gastrointestinal diseases


The epizootic situation of gastrointestinal diseases of calves caused by bacteria and viruses has been studied. The etiological structure of pathogens and the spread of bacterial and bacterial-viral associations in enteritis of calves in the studied farms has been established. Our research results prove that the leading place in the etiology of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of newborn animals is occupied by associations of bacteria and viruses. 18 types of bacteria were isolated from calves with diarrhea syndrome and 4 types of viruses that caused the disease were identified. The largest share in the etiology of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of young animals was occupied by the following bacteria as E. coli, salmonella, staphylococcus, streptococcus, yersinia, klibsiella, and proteas were identified much less frequently. The following types of viruses of the genera Rotavirus, Coronavirus, Enterovirus, Reovirus were also isolated. Isolation of associations of microorganisms in gastrointestinal diseases of calves with two pathogenic agents was 44,94 %; of three or more joints in 21,35 %; associations that included viral agents accounted for 33,71 % in various variations.

About the Authors

R. A. Dubin
Луганский национальный аграрный университет

M. N. Germanenko
Луганский национальный аграрный университет


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For citations:

Dubin R.A., Germanenko M.N. Viral- bacterial associations in calfs with gastrointestinal diseases. Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2020;(2):21-29. (In Russ.)

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