Determination of effective adjuvants and immunostimulators for hyperimmunization of chickens
The article presents data on the selection of adjuvants and immunostimulants was carried out to increase the production of transovarian immunoglobulins, the optimal scheme of hyperimmunization of laying hens was worked out. It was found that the most optimal adjuvant for hyperimmunization of laying hens is Montanide IMS 1313 VG, the use of which leds to the development of specific antibodies in titer of 5,67 log2. The use of Bacillus subtilis lipopolysaccharide as an immunostimulant leds to an increase in antiviral antibody titer at 0,17-0,83 log2. The optimal scheme for hyperimmunization of laying hens is use of antigens in the form of monocomponents at a dose of 0,5 cm3 intramuscularly into the pectoral muscle region four times with an interval of 10-14 days, which increases the level of specific antibodies at 1,0-1,67 log2.
About the Authors
D. S. BarysavetsBelarus
I. V. Nasonov
T. A. Zuykevich
P. A. Krasochko
E. S. Zhurauleva
N. V. Knysh
N. V. Zinina
A. A. Zgirouskaya
Ya. P. Yaromchik
D. V. Buchukuri
S. M. Yakubousky
A. E. Osipenko
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For citations:
Barysavets D.S., Nasonov I.V., Zuykevich T.A., Krasochko P.A., Zhurauleva E.S., Knysh N.V., Zinina N.V., Zgirouskaya A.A., Yaromchik Ya.P., Buchukuri D.V., Yakubousky S.M., Osipenko A.E. Determination of effective adjuvants and immunostimulators for hyperimmunization of chickens. Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2020;(2):43-47. (In Russ.)