Determination of the optimal composition of antigens for obtaining of yolk immunoglobulins in hyperimmunization of nesting chickens
The article provides data on the development of a method for obtaining transovarian immunoglobulins, one of the stages of which was to determine the optimal composition and ratio of antigens of viruses and bacteria for hyperimmunization of laying hens. As a result of the studies, it was found that in modern conditions of livestock farming with, the most common pathogens of infectious enteritis of calves are bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine herpesvirus-1, rotavirus and coronavirus, as well as Escherichia coli bacteria, the production strains of which were used to immunize laying hens in the form of monocomponents. Hyperimmunization of poultry according to the developed scheme leds to the development of specific antibodies in titers – 5,0–8,0 log2, which is 2,0–5,0 log2 higher in comparison with the combined administration of antigens.
About the Authors
D. S. BarysavetsBelarus
I. V. Nasonov
T. A. Zuykevich
P.. A Krasochko
E. S. Zhurauleva
N. V. Knysh
N. V. Zinina
Ya. P. Yaromchik
D. V. Buchukuri
S. M. Yakubousky
A. E. Osipenko
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For citations:
Barysavets D.S., Nasonov I.V., Zuykevich T.A., Krasochko P.A., Zhurauleva E.S., Knysh N.V., Zinina N.V., Yaromchik Ya.P., Buchukuri D.V., Yakubousky S.M., Osipenko A.E. Determination of the optimal composition of antigens for obtaining of yolk immunoglobulins in hyperimmunization of nesting chickens. Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2020;(2):63-68. (In Russ.)