Influence of sodium hydrocarbonate on animals and quality indicators of livestock of products at its introduction into rations
The article reflects the results of studies on the toxicity, harmlessness and biological value of sodium bicarbonate, which is used as a feed additive in the diets of farm animals, as well as an assessment of its impact on the quality of livestock products and the hematological profile of highly productive cows in the period from the second half of the milking season.
About the Authors
T. N. KamenskayaBelarus
S. A. Lukyanchik
L. L. Krivenok
O. V. Hendogina
A. I. Kozinets
O. G. Golushko
M. A. Nadarinskaya
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For citations:
Kamenskaya T.N., Lukyanchik S.A., Krivenok L.L., Hendogina O.V., Kozinets A.I., Golushko O.G., Nadarinskaya M.A. Influence of sodium hydrocarbonate on animals and quality indicators of livestock of products at its introduction into rations. Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation. 2021;(1):63-69. (In Russ.)