Veterinary activities should be based on the fulfillment of the requirements of legislative documents, the creation of a scientifically based system of veterinary monitoring, animal health risk management, the production of products of animal origin and its market turnover.
The article presents generalized data from literary sources, data from veterinary accounting and reporting of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus and its own research on the spread of infectious animal diseases in the world and in the Republic of Belarus. The emergence of particularly dangerous infectious diseases leads to huge economic losses. This indicates the need for constant monitoring of the epizootic situation in the republic and the development of a strategy for their prevention and elimination.
The analysis of literature sources concerning respiratory syncytial infection of cattle is carried out.
Respiratory syncytial infection is one of the causes of respiratory diseases of cattle worldwide. It is registered in countries with an intensive type of animal husbandry. The frequency of damage to meat and dairy cattle can reach more than 50 %.
Metampneumovirus infection is an infectious disease of birds that has gained significant distribution in Europe relatively recently and causes significant economic damage to the poultry industry. This article presents a review of the literature data on such basic parameters as morphology, epizootology, clinical signs, pathological changes, la- boratory diagnostics, specific prevention and metapneumovirus infection control measures of birds.
The antigenic composition of experimentally obtained 13 isolates of non-acid-fast forms cell wall deficient of M. tuberculosis, M. bovis was studied. Their total antigenic relationship with the typical parental form reached 84 % and MPB 70 and MPB 83 antigens specific to the tuberculosis-bovis complex were found in their composition.
In the composition of non-acid-fast forms cell wall deficient of M. tuberculosis, fewer antigens common with M. avium antigens were found than in typical parent strains.
In immunoblotting with antisera to typical strains of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis at least 16–18 individual polypeptides of non-acid-fast forms cell wall deficient reacted and their spectrum were the same in experimentally transformed strains and clinical isolates.
In case of infection caused by non-acid-fast forms cell wall deficient of mycobacteria of tuberculosis a pronounced humoral immune response developed, which was detected by diagnostics prepared from typical mycobacteria.
The article presents the results of testing the immunological efficacy of an inactivated emulsified vaccine for the prevention of Newcastle disease in poultry and pigeons under experimental and production conditions.
An experimental sample of the veterinary drug «Eprinovet» has been developed and manufactured for the treatment and prevention of arachnoentomoses and helminthiasis of sheep. The double application of eprinovet to sheep at a dose of 10 mg/kg of body weight once a day with an interval of 24 hours gave a higher therapeutic effect. The extensivity in trichostrongylidoses was 100 %, in melofagosis – 75 %.
Nanoparticles (NPs) of graphene and its derivatives are new generation nanomaterials with high potential for use in biomedical fields. Due to the wide use of oxidized graphene NPs, minimization of its ecotoxic impact seems to be mandatory.
As a result of the research, it was found that oxidized graphene NPs have xenobiotic properties, but they are significantly lower compared to nanoparticles of other substances: a noble metal (silver), an essential bioelement-non- metal (silicon) and a metal-bioelement (copper).
A brief overview of the publication activity in the world on this topic is presented; general ideas about the antioxidant system of the animal organism are considered, as well as scientifically substantiated possible measures of specific antioxidant therapy based on carotene-containing feed additives for farm animals. Lycopene is the strongest antioxidant among carotenoids due to its specific chemical structure. Many studies have identified its antioxidant, antiinflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-diabetic properties. First of all, the review presents data on the effect of lycopene on productivity, meat and egg quality, antioxidant function, immune function, lipid metabolism and intestinal physiological functions. The results of scientific research presented in this article highlight the crucial role of lycopene as a functional feed additive for the nutrition of farm animals, in particular, in pig and poultry farming.
Studies of the toxicity and bactericidal activity of the Cryox disinfectant, consisting of environmentally friendly components, have been carried out. It was found that this agent exhibits high antimicrobial activity in relation to con- trol bacterial and fungal test objects, while possessing moderate toxicity.