
Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation

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No 1 (2021)
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3-8 120

Analysis of literature sources shows the relevance of the study of epizootological data, which makes it possible to determine the influence of parasitoses on the formation of resistance in wild animals.


9-17 198

In the course of the work, an epizootic strain of the rabbit myxoma virus was isolated, and its adaptation to continuous cell cultures was carried out. When assessing the possibility of using an epizootic strain of myxoma of rabbits for the manufacture of a vaccine, it was found that the isolated strain has low immunogenicity.

For the manufacture of a vaccine for the prevention of pasteurellosis, bordetelliosis and myxomatosis in rab- bits, the rabbit myxoma virus (strain KMIEV-V141), bacteria Pasteurella multocida (strain KMIEV-B166), and Bordetella bronchiseptica (strain KMIEV-B212) were used; parameters of cultivation of strains of myxoma of rabbits, pasteurella and bordetella were worked out, inactivants and adjuvants were selected, methods of inactivation of pasteurella and bordetella of rabbits were worked out. A vaccine sample for the prevention of pasteurellosis, bordetelliosis and myxomatosis in rabbits has been prepared.

18-21 171

Production tests of the vaccine for the prevention of pasteurellosis, bordetelliosis and myxomatosis of rabbits «Respimix» in terms of immunogenic activity were carried out. It has been established that the «Respimix» vaccine is a harmless and immunogenic preparation, superior in its preventive efficacy to the «Rabbiwak-V» preparation taken by us as a control one. The administration of the Respimix vaccine to rabbits promotes the production of antibodies to all antigens included in the vaccine, namely to Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica bacteria and to rabbit myxoma virus.

The veterinary drug «Vaccine for the prevention of pasteurellosis, bordetelliosis and myxomatosis of rabbits “Respimix”» can be recommended for use in veterinary practice.

22-26 225

The article presents data on the perspective and results of the use of specific yolk immunoglobulins IgY of chickens in veterinary medicine and human medicine, which are relevant for use in the Republic of Belarus.

27-33 139

The effectiveness of the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from bovine adipose tissue for the treatment of an infected wound in a cow was studied.

The results of clinical studies indicate that the introduction of MSCs of adipose tissue in the wound area of the cow contributes to the rapid epithelization and restoration of the skin.

34-40 160

Biochemical and immunobiological studies of blood samples from cyprinids, age-sex and size-weight analysis showed the presence of changes characteristic of stress. The study of cyprinids in aquaculture has established that the influence of stress of various origins on the resistance of fish and fish-breeding indicators is a current urgent problem, the solution of which is important both for assessing the reproductive potential of fish and for developing measures to eliminate the negative consequences of stress. When assessing the state of the experimental group of carp, taking into account body weight and length, it was found that their values are influenced by the temperature of the aquatic envi- ronment. The dependence of the level of cortisol and total protein of carp blood serum on sex, age, stocking density, temperature of the aquatic environment and the rate of its increase is shown.


41-47 214

We studied the effect of the antimicrobial drug «Multiomycin 1 %» on the hematological and biochemical parameters of blood, the activity of digestive enzymes (amylase, alkaline phosphatase, protease), the structure of the microbiocenosis of the small and large intestines, and the quality of the products. Based on the results of preclinical studies, a production test was carried out in conjunction with the veterinary drug «Yuberin oral», as well as an assessment of the impact on the productivity of poultry was given. «Multiomycin 1 %» did not adversely affect the chickens. The drug had a positive effect on the activity of the digestive processes, increased their activity. Contributed to a decrease in the total microbial contamination in the contents of the small and large intestines and an increase in the content of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Combined use with yuberin contributed to an increase in safety, an increase in the aver- age daily gain, as well as a decrease in the incidence of gastroenteritis. The weight gain at the end of the experiment in the chickens of the experimental group was 3,74 % higher than in the control. The use of the veterinary drug «Multiomycin 1 %» did not have a negative effect on the quality of the products.

48-53 186

Conducted research to identify the changes of morphological and biochemical blood indicators in cattle with strongylatosis invasion in applying the drug «Santomectin». In accordance with the data obtained, it follows that after the administration of the drug, the level of leukocytes, hemoglobin, total protein and other indicators is restored. The cost-effectiveness is 8,6 rubles per ruble of costs with the use of the drug «Santomectin», and the drug «Ivermek» – 6,8 rubles.

54-57 473

The article presents the results of studies to determine the therapeutic effectiveness of a veterinary drug based on oxytetracycline and flunixin in piglet bronchopneumonia in comparison with an analog drug. The test drug was administered intramuscularly twice with an interval of 5 days. Normalization of the condition occurred by the end of the second day from the start of treatment: in piglets, a decrease in body temperature, a decrease in the number of expirations and coughing, and an increase in appetite were noted. Clinical recovery of piglets of the experimental group occurred on the sixth – seventh day, and the duration of the disease was 6,9±0,9 days. The therapeutic effect was 93,11 %. In the piglets of the control group, relief was observed by the end of the third day. Recovery in the control group occurred on the seventh day. The duration of the disease was 7,6±0,4 days, the therapeutic efficacy was 89,9 %.

58-62 158

Data on the development of a new injectable drug based on zinc nanoparticles are presented. Its composition, basic physicochemical and pharmacological properties are indicated. The procedure for the use of the drug and its effectiveness in the parenteral method of administration to cattle was determined.


63-69 227

The article reflects the results of studies on the toxicity, harmlessness and biological value of sodium bicarbonate, which is used as a feed additive in the diets of farm animals, as well as an assessment of its impact on the quality of livestock products and the hematological profile of highly productive cows in the period from the second half of the milking season.

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ISSN 2224-168X (Print)