
Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation

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No 1 (2018)
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3-6 115
The article describes the results of own research on the spread of invasive diseases in poultry farms in Zakatala, Sheki and Kakhsky districts of the Republic of Azerbaijan. As a result of the conducted studies it was found that in domestic chickens there is an associative infection with eimerias and helminths in the farms of the above-mentioned regions. The degree of infection with associative invasion depends on the age characteristics of birds and the season.
7-17 242
In all investigated 13 lots of antigens for diagnostics of bovine leukemia (concentrated cultural liquid of fetal lamb kidney cells infected bovine leukemia virus FLK-BLV) are found typical and cell wall deficient mycobacteria (CWD) and isolated CWD forms of mycobacteria including the lots of FLK-BLV filtrated from 0,22 Millex®GP. CWD isolates after inoculation to guinea pigs are stimulated of synthesis of antibody reacting in AGID with FLK-BLV. The same antibody appeared after inoculation to guinea pigs of homogenates of internals guinea pigs infected by isolates from FLK-BLV. It is assumed that the BLV can be virus-like form of mycobacteria tuberculosis. The possible role in cancer genesis of latent tuberculosis infection BCG and tuberculin is considered.


18-24 197
The article summarizes data on the importance of adjuvants and immunostimulants in the production of veterinary vaccines as the most significant factors in the regulation of the immune process. The classification of adjuvants and immunostimulants, the mechanism of action and prospects for the use of adjuvants in the production of vaccines, as well as examples of basic immune preparations are given.
25-30 200
It was studied the influence of vaccine «Pneumobact-L» on specific and non-specific immunity of calves. The vaccine have the ability to stimulate phagocytosis of blood granulocytes on early stage (15-30 days after immunization ). The specific antibodies level elevated on 30-45 days after immunization.
31-35 203
His article presents the results of studies on the selection of strains of Er. rhusiopathiae for carrying out a pig infection test while controlling the quality of swine erysipelas vaccine in terms of efficacyfimmunogenicity" Based on the results obtained, we selected strains Er. rhusiopathiae RS 1 (serovar 1a), Er. rhusiopathiae RS / 2 (serovar 2 b) and Er. rhusiopathiae Sevastopol"(serovar 1 b) and standard infectious doses for pigs were established.
36-42 113
For piglets at growing of the same age, there is a high variability in body weight and average daily weight gains. Formation of productivity of piglets is carried out due to different rates of metabolic processes in the body of a particular animal, and dynamic changes are not proved by calculation of average statistical parameters. According to individual indicators, which characterize the specific metabolic processes in the body of piglets at growing, an increased dynamics of variation coefficient is determined. To determine the marginal hematological parameters of piglets at growing, it is advisable to take the average value of a specific morphological, biochemical and immunological parameter and add two or three sigma (standard deviations).
43-47 135
Introduction to the diet of piglets feed acidifying additive containing malic acid and dolomite stimulates the natural resistance of the body, increases productivity. The most economically efficient of the studied doses of use of the feed acidifying additive is the dose - 0,5% to compound feed.
48-53 153
The problem of prevention and control of infectious diseases of sheeps is a deterrent to the development of the sheep industry in the Republic of Belarus, so there is a need for using biologies based on interferons - protein molecules that provide antiviral protection of the organism. This work is devoted to the study of the effect of six experimental samples of sheep's interferon recombinant protein within 72 hours after their injection on the hematologic parameters of the sheep of six groups, the negative impact on which in the course of the experience was not revealed, and all changes in the number of leukocytes and blood leukograms were detected through 48 hours after the injection of the preparation.
53-59 107
The purpose of this research is to develop the technology of cultivation of the fungus Trichophyton under the deep conditions on the ground of composing a new medium and optimized conditions for its development. In the course of the studies, a correlation was established between the dose of inoculum and the content of sugars in barley must and mycelium and spore formation in Tr. verrucosum № 130 and Tr. mentagrophytes № 135.


59-62 167
Data on the toxicological characteristics of the new complex preparation «Mastin» for the treatment of mastitis in cows are presented in the article, data on determination of its toxicity are given, еxperience on determination of chronic toxicity of preparation on laboratory animals is described. It was found that LD50 of the antimastitis drug at the oral dose for white mice was 37 250,55 mg / kg of body weight. The drug is a low-risk substance (IV class) with LD50 more than 5000 mg/kg.


63-69 147
Oology and technical and zoology and hygienic analysis of sanitary break duration for commodity pig breeding complexes showed that compliance with technical regulatory legal acts regulating this duration is equivalent to the annual shortage of produced pork in the amount of 4-7-10 %. In general, for pig production in Belarus, every additional day of sanitary break is the annual loss of pork produced by one large commercial pig breeding complex.
70-74 115
Zoology and technical and zoology and hygienic analysis of sanitary break duration for commodity pig breeding complexes showed that compliance with technical regulatory legal acts regulating this duration is equivalent to the annual shortage of produced pork in the amount of 4-7-10 %. In general, for pig production in Belarus, every additional day of sanitary break is the annual loss of pork produced by one large commercial pig breeding complex.
75-78 170
In the article talked about means antiseptic yetin-jod'for treatment of udder of cows on the basis of iodine, about his antimicrobial properties, that was studied by the method of diffusion in an agar with microorganisms defiant mastitises, and also his toxicological, allergen and irritating properties are reflected.

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ISSN 2224-168X (Print)