
Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation

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No 1 (2019)


3-9 140
The epizootic situation on dirofilariоsis of dogs was studied in Republic of Belarus. Infection of dirofilaria in domestic dogs population amount 15,23 ± 9,375 %, service dogs - 13,33±7,53 %. The number of microfilariae in blood of dogs was from 1 to 16825 larva /ml of blood. Dirofilaria repens were found in 4 % of dogs. The age range of infected domestic dogs ranged from 9 months to 13 years, service - 1-8 years.
10-14 291
The article presents the results of production tests on synchronization of sexual hunting in cows according to the protocols «Ovsynch 48» and «Ovsynch 56». The most effective was the Protocol of synchronization of estrus in cows in the «Ovsynch 56», processing of the cows which allowed us to achieve the highest percentage of impregnation capacity for the first insemination, the minimum index fertilization, reduce duration of service period and number of days of infertility.


15-19 124
The article presents data on the prophylactic efficacy of a vaccine against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptococcosis of pigs emulsified under production conditions.
20-24 156
The article presents the results of the study of the immunomorphological changes in the replacement young hens, when using the domestic live vaccine from the strain KMIEV-V118 and the similar foreign vaccine, as well as the immunogenic activity of these vaccines. Our studies suggest that immunization rearing poultry against reovirus tenosynovitis both domestic vaccine and foreign counterpart in the chicken immune organs is a series immunomorfologicheskih changes, characterized by activation plazmotsitarnoy reaction in the bursa of Fabricius, spleen, cecal tonsils, as well as in lymphoid diverticulum. At the same time, a vaccinated livestock has a correlation of immunomorphological and serological parameters.
25-32 123
The article presents data on the adaptation of the avian reovirus strain S1133 to continuous Vero cell culture and the development of the domestic inactivated vaccine for the prevention the reovirus infection of avian. It is established that the drug stimulates the formation of antibodies to reovirus in protective titers in the body of immunized chickens, not inferior in its preventive effectiveness to foreign analogues.
33-45 516
Mycobacterium bovis 8 grew up on the Sauton medium, autoclaved (121 °C), filtered through Millex® GP 0.45, 0.22 µm and Amicon Ultracel® 100 K, 10K, 3K. Ultrafiltrates mixed with VKG growth stimulant, incubated and sowed on MycCel DW nutrient medium. It is established that mycobacteria of tuberculosis form the protective forms maintaining heating to 121 °C and pass through sterilizing (0.22 µm) and ultrafilters 10-3 nm, restoring viability as cell wall deficient forms. The nature of the established phenomens is not absolutely clear yet, but they should be considered at risk assessment of use of biological products, food and studying of pathologies not of a clear etiology.
46-53 124
The article presents results of studies on effect of trichocephalosis on immunobiochemical parameters of blood of calves. In course of experiment, a decrease in number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, lymphocytes, macro- and microelements; an increase in content of leukocytes, rod neutrophils, eosinophils and action enzymes.
54-62 173
This paper represents qPCR validation results for the detection of Bacillus anthracis capC pXO2 plasmid marker. Amplification parameters as well as concentration of master mix components were optimized. Besides, we defined coefficients of variability within single and several independent experiments; analytical, diagnostical sensitivity and specificity. This validation procedure we conducted has proved robustness of this qPCR method, as well as allowed to improve its accuracy, repeatability and sensitivity.


63-70 223
In the article are shown research data about the effect of feed additives «FRA C12», «FRA Butyrin Ultra» and «FRA LAC 34» containing α-monoglycerides on productivity indicators and the immunological status of broiler chickens during industrial poultry farming, as well as the results of histological studies of various parts of the intestine and lymphoid formations. Studies have shown that «FRA C12», «FRA Butyrin Ultra» and «FRA LAC 34» feed additives containing α-monoglycerides can be used to completely replace feed and therapeutic antibiotics.
71-74 117
The article presents some results of studies of associative parasitosis of sheep in the Republic of Belarus and results use of new complex preparation against parasitic diseases of sheep. The proposed new complex drug for the treatment and prevention of parasites of gastrointestinal tract of sheep. The complex drug «Virococcidum» showed to be highly efficiency 100 % in nematodirosis; 100 % in eimeriosis; 100 % in strongyloidosis; 100 % in trichocephalosis; 82,85 % in strongylatosis gastrointestinal tract.
75-79 120
The article presents the results of preclinical studies on the toxicological evaluation of an experimental sample of the veterinary drug «Kalcemagfosvit» conducted on laboratory animals - white rats and rabbits. It was established that the created pharmaceutical composition does not have a negative impact on the development of the offspring of white rats in the pre- and postnatal periods of development, and also does not have a local irritant and skin-resorptive effect.
80-89 198
The article presents data on toxicokinetics of Bromine in the body of white male rats under conditions of long-term administration of Sodium Bromide diet. With a long-term administration of Bromine at a dose of 2,5 mg/kg body weight and 5,0 mg/kg body weight per day, the excess of element is excreted from the body through kidneys at the initial study period, as well as through digestive tract from the 30th day. Investigating the content of Bromine in the blood plasma, liver, spleen, heart, brain, pelvic muscle, and wool with rats’ skin in both experimental groups indicates a «material» cumulation of the element. Organs and tissues concentrators were skin and wool (max 140,77±3,15) mg/kg and liver (max 47,62±0,13) mg/kg.


90-96 118
In article it to be told about antimicrobic properties of disinfectant «Aldechas» on the basis of glutaric aldehyde, quarternary ammonium connections and the copper sulfate applied to disinfection of objects of veterinary supervision and prevention it is purulent - necrotic defeats of hooves of cows. Its toxicological, allergenic and irritating properties are also reflected in article.

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ISSN 2224-168X (Print)