
Epizootology Immunobiology Pharmacology Sanitation

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No 2 (2018)
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3-13 129
At present, the virose bees represent one of the urgent problems of beekeeping throughout the world and attract the close attention of many researchers. The lack of data on the distribution of bee virosis in the Republic of Belarus, the flow characteristics, clinical manifestation is due to the complexity of diagnosing bee viral infections and does not allow timely detection of these pathologies and efficient use of the potential of bee colonies. The article presents data on the etiology, symptomatology, epizootology, diagnosis and prevention of viral diseases of bees, as well as provides general measures for their prevention.
14-19 257
The article presents the data of preventive efficacy of an associated vaccine for specific prevention of respiratory infections of cattle bacterial etiology caused by pathogens Pasteurella multocida serovariant A, Pasteurella multocida serovariant B and Mannheimia haemolytica in production conditions.


20-29 197
Spongiform changes are found in a brain of the goats who have fallen with signs of damage of the central nervous system. In samples of a brain DNA and cell wall deficient mycobacteria are found, in cells of a brain and in intercellular space accumulation of mycobacterial antigens is noted. In spite of the fact that samples of a brain, were in 10% formalin 1 months, 3 and 5 years, in all cases cell wall deficient mycobacteria have been isolated. Their viability was comparable to infectivity of prions. Isolates cell wall deficient mycobacteria from a brain didn't differ on morphology and polypeptide profile from isolates from a tuberculin, FLK-BLV, lymph nodes of cows, suffering from tuberculosis. It indicates high probability that the mycobacterial infection depending on the infecting dose, features of a strain and owner's genome and also condition of immune system, can cause active tuberculosis, oncogene action, damages of a brain, cardiovascular system.
30-36 134
This article represents research data about biological characteristics of «Yuzhna-Holding» infectious bursal disease isolate, obtained in Simferopol, AR Crimea, Ukraine in 2010. The specificity of this epizootic isolate is confirmed with positive results in neutralization reaction as well as with plaque-assay method. The field isolate has shown its high adaptive capability for cultivation in primarily trypsinized chicken fibroblast cell cultures. The highest infective activity titer of «Yuzhna-Holding» isolate was 8,65 lg TCD50/cm3 on fifth passage when cultivating in QEF CC. The pathogenicity of «Yuzhna-Holding» isolate was proved with bioassay on 47-day old chickens of«Borkivska barvysta» breed. The isolate caused typical clinical signs and internal lesions when intranasal/ocular inoculating of 0,400 y.l of native extra embryo liquid.
37-43 113
Many studies have revealed that C. jejuni causes at least as many cases of human gastroenteritis as does Salmonella sp. Foods are an important vehicle in human infection. Other animal products also serve as potential sources of infection. C. jejuni has been found on the carcasses of poultry and other domestic animals throughout the world. Methods developed for use in clinical laboratories lack the necessary sensitivity and selectivity, and therefore have limited use in detecting small numbers of C. jejuni in foods. In this article, studies of the culture-morphological and biochemical properties of C. Jejuni isolated from poultry are presented.
43-53 142
The complexity of diagnosing viral infections of bees is due to the lack of cultures of honeybee cells, collections of strains of viruses pathogenic for honeybees and test systems for molecular genetic identification. Of all the viruses found in the honeybee Apis mellifera L., the deformed wing virus has become the most common. For the first time in the Republic of Belarus, employees of the RUE ((Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named S.N. Vyshelesky» isolated a deformed wing virus from the tissues of a honeybee using a primary trypsinized culture of chicken embryo fibroblast cells and carried out its molecular genetic identification.
53-58 164
Data on determination of specificity and sensitivity of multiplex PTsR of test system for diagnostics of Pasteurella multocida of serovariant of A, B, D are presented in article. Researches on studying of influence of nonspecific DNA on an amplifitsiruyemost of specific products are conducted, the mutually specificity of primers for serovariant of A, B, D and also formation of nespetsifichesy fragments without and in the presence of specific DNA is studied. The threshold of detectability of DNA for each Pasteurella multocida serovariant in a multiplex is established to system.
59-64 125
The article is attended to the development of a drug based on Klebsiella bacterophage and immunostimulant lipopolisacharide derived from the bacterial mass of Bacilus subtilis.
65-71 178
The article is attended to isolation, identification and cultivation of PCV type-2. As a result of our research two isolates of PCV-2 were isolated.


72-76 123
The article presents the results of studies of the effectiveness of new feed additives "Diar Stop Advance" and "Toxinal" on broiler chickens. Introduction to the diet of chickens complex adsorbents during preventive measures contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes and reduces the toxic load on the body.
77-81 110
The article presents the results of studies of the comparative sorption efficiency of sorbent preparations «Belvetsorb», «Ultrasorb», «Trepel» and «Ligsorb» in relation to micotoxins in vitro.
82-85 124
Studies were conducted to determine the amount of residual antibiotic in milk and the timing of their elimination after their intrauterine and intracisternal administration with endometritis and cow mastitis. It has been established that the recommended waiting times for the use of milk in food after the last application of the antibiotics studied make it possible to obtain raw materials that meet the requirements of the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union.
86-94 120
According to the results of the study of Toxicological properties of anthelmintic drug «Prazifen» refers to substances low-risk according to GOST12.1.007-76, ie, to substances of the 4th class of danger and does not have a negative impact on the body of rabbits, increases gamma and beta - globulins in animal serum on the 15th and 21st day of observation and increases the weight gain of animals by 37.94 % - 34.61 %.

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ISSN 2224-168X (Print)